Wednesday 24 December 2014

Rajasthan: 'Dead' grandfather wakes up from funeral pyre

Rajasthan: 'Dead' grandfather wakes up from funeral pyre as family sets fire to his body
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This is not a ghost story. A man who was believed to be dead woke up from his funeral pyre in Rajasthan's Bhilwada district.
72-year-old Deepak Singh got up from his funeral pyre moment the family members set his body on fire. Deepak who is a grandfather, fainted when he had gone to feed his cows. Thus, his family declared him dead and started prepairing for the ritual which is carried out alongwith chanting.
According to a report published in Mail Online, the family rested his body on the ground as they were heading to begin the chanting. They were shocked to see the body moving and within few seconds the 'dead' body started shaking and they saw their grandfather waking up and finally walking.
Seeing this, the family quickly doused the pyre and were relieved when they saw the man alive. They realised that he had just fainted and wasn't dead.
Banda Nalwa, the grandson of Deepak Singh said that his grandfather was fine in the morning and like everyday he went to feed the cows. But when he didn't return on time, he went to check on him and found him lying on the floor.
On touching him, he couldn't find his pulse and his body didn't respond.The family even called a local doctor and he too confirmed his death.
After this drama, the grandfather was quoted as saying, "I know I might be annoying, but to this extent that you declared me dead."

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