Monday 29 December 2014

Al Qaeda magazine gives bomb making recipe to attack planes

Al Qaeda magazine gives bomb making recipe to attack planes
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In the latest edition of its online magazine, Al Qaeda has come up with a step-by-step manual on how to breach airport security and bomb passenger planes.
The manual was part of the Al Qaeda's online magazine 'Inspire' released on Christmas eve.
The magazine lists American United, Continental and Delta Airlines along with British Airways, EasyJet and Air France as 'desired targets'.
Not just that, the magazine also suggested the killing of high-profile "economic personalities" such as former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and "wealthy entrepreneurs of company owners" like Bill Gates.
The English language Al Qaeda magazine, Inspire, was launched in 2010 to recruit Western Muslims into its terror ranks.
The issue is aimed at inspiring lone-wolf jihadists in the US and the West to attack commercial planes.
As part of its manual, it gives detailed instructions, with illustrations, on how to build bombs in the kitchen.
"We came up with these simple materials that are readily available around the globe, even inside America," it states.
The manual also comes with a "field data" and lists out a bunch of targets in the US, UK and France along with times when maximum crowds gather in public places.

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